Below are the most recent publications written about "Prospective Studies" by people in Profiles.
Morita Y, Kariya T, Dougherty M, Peters A, Ruggiero N. Potential of right ventricular function assessment with echocardiography in transcatheter aortic valve replacement. J Cardiothorac Surg. 2024 Dec 30; 19(1):686.
Nogueira RG, Andersson T, Haussen DC, Yoo AJ, Hanel RA, Zaidat OO, Hacke W, Jovin TG, Fiehler J, De Meyer SF, Brinjikji W, Doyle KM, Kallmes DF, Liebeskind DS, Virmani R, Kokoszka MA, Inoa V, Humphries W, Woodward KB, Jabbour PM, Fran?ois O, Levy EI, Bozorgchami H, Boor S, Cohen JE, Dashti SR, Taqi MA, Budzik RF, Schirmer CM, Hussain MS, Estrade L, De Leacy RA, Puri AS, Chitale RV, Brekenfeld C, Siddiqui AH. EXCELLENT Registry: A Prospective, Multicenter, Global Registry of Endovascular Stroke Treatment With the EMBOTRAP Device. Stroke. 2024 Dec; 55(12):2804-2814.
Zeng G, Krishnamurthy S, Staats Pires A, Guller A, Chaganti J, Tun N, Lockart I, Montagnese S, Brew B, Guillemin GJ, Danta M, Heng B. Activation of the kynurenine pathway identified in individuals with covert hepatic encephalopathy. Hepatol Commun. 2024 Dec 01; 8(12).
Rajasekera TA, Galley JD, Mashburn-Warren L, Lauber CL, Bailey MT, Worly BL, Gur TL. Pregnancy during COVID 19 pandemic associated with differential gut microbiome composition as compared to pre-pandemic. Sci Rep. 2024 11 06; 14(1):26880.
Biscetti F, Rando MM, Nicolazzi MA, Rossini E, Santoro M, Angelini F, Iezzi R, Eraso LH, Dimuzio PJ, Pitocco D, Massetti M, Gasbarrini A, Flex A. Evaluation of sirtuin 1 as a predictor of cardiovascular outcomes in diabetic patients with limb-threatening ischemia. Sci Rep. 2024 11 06; 14(1):26940.
Wright RW, Huston LJ, Haas AK, Pennings JS, Allen CR, Cooper DE, DeBerardino TM, Dunn WR, Lantz BBA, Spindler KP, Stuart MJ, Amendola AN, Annunziata CC, Arciero RA, Bach BR, Baker CL, Bartolozzi AR, Baumgarten KM, Berg JH, Bernas GA, Brockmeier SF, Brophy RH, Bush-Joseph CA, Butler JB, Carey JL, Carpenter JE, Cole BJ, Cooper JM, Cox CL, Creighton RA, David TS, Flanigan DC, Frederick RW, Ganley TJ, Gatt CJ, Gecha SR, Giffin JR, Hame SL, Hannafin JA, Harner CD, Harris NL, Hechtman KS, Hershman EB, Hoellrich RG, Johnson DC, Johnson TS, Jones MH, Kaeding CC, Kamath GV, Klootwyk TE, Levy BA, Ma CB, Maiers GP, Marx RG, Matava MJ, Mathien GM, McAllister DR, McCarty EC, McCormack RG, Miller BS, Nissen CW, O'Neill DF, Owens BD, Parker RD, Purnell ML, Ramappa AJ, Rauh MA, Rettig AC, Sekiya JK, Shea KG, Sherman OH, Slauterbeck JR, Smith MV, Spang JT, Svoboda SJ, Taft TN, Tenuta JJ, Tingstad EM, Vidal AF, Viskontas DG, White RA, Williams JS, Wolcott ML, Wolf BR, York JJ. Surgical Predictors of Clinical Outcome 6 Years After Revision ACL Reconstruction. Am J Sports Med. 2024 Nov; 52(13):3286-3294.
Jeffs E, Pillay EI, Ledwaba-Chapman L, Bisquera A, Robertson SJ, McGrath JA, Wang Y, Martinez AE, Mellerio JE. Pain in recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB): findings of the Prospective Epidermolysis Bullosa Longitudinal Evaluation Study (PEBLES). Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2024 Oct 11; 19(1):375.
V?lez-Berm?dez M, Brakey HR, Myaskovsky L, Unruh M, Singh PP, Pandhi N. Experiences of Unanticipated Outcomes Among Ethnically Diverse Living Kidney Donors: A Qualitative Pilot Study. Clin Transplant. 2024 Oct; 38(10):e15476.
Fine RE, Gilmore RC, Tomkovich KR, Dietz JR, Berry MP, Hernandez LE, Columbus KS, Seedman SA, Fisher CS, Han LK, Manahan ER, Hicks RD, Vaidya RP, Curcio LD, Sevrukov AB, Kenler AS, Taback B, Chen M, Miller ME, Gold L, Anglin BV, Aoun HD, Simmons RM, Feldman SM, Boolbol SK. Cryoablation Without Excision for Early-Stage Breast Cancer: ICE3 Trial 5-Year Follow-Up on Ipsilateral Breast Tumor Recurrence. Ann Surg Oncol. 2024 Oct; 31(11):7273-7283.
Hakim H, Alexander CC, Rudell E, Ingram M, Agrawal T, Peterson P, Davies M, Adelson K, Oliver BJ. A Qualitative Study on the Impact and Feasibility of a Simulation-Based Program for Shared Decision-Making in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Care. Perm J. 2024 09 16; 28(3):212-222.