Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Neutralize the Anti-tumor Effect of CSF1 Receptor Blockade by Inducing PMN-MDSC Infiltration of Tumors.

Kumar V, Donthireddy L, Marvel D, Condamine T, Wang F, Lavilla-Alonso S, Hashimoto A, Vonteddu P, Behera R, Goins MA, Mulligan C, Nam B, Hockstein N, Denstman F, Shakamuri S, Speicher DW, Weeraratna AT, Chao T, Vonderheide RH, Languino LR, Ordentlich P, Liu Q, Xu X, Lo A, Puré E, Zhang C, Loboda A, Sepulveda MA, Snyder LA, Gabrilovich DI. Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Neutralize the Anti-tumor Effect of CSF1 Receptor Blockade by Inducing PMN-MDSC Infiltration of Tumors. Cancer Cell. 2017 Nov 13; 32(5):654-668.e5.

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