Below are the most recent publications written about "Underage Drinking" by people in Profiles.
Linakis JG, Thomas SA, Bromberg JR, Casper TC, Chun TH, Mello MJ, Richards R, Ahmad F, Bajaj L, Brown KM, Chernick LS, Cohen DM, Dean JM, Fein J, Horeczko T, Levas MN, McAninch B, Monuteaux MC, Mull CC, Grupp-Phelan J, Powell EC, Rogers A, Shenoi RP, Suffoletto B, Vance C, Spirito A. Adolescent alcohol use predicts cannabis use over a three year follow-up period. Subst Abus. 2022; 43(1):514-519.
Bromberg JR, Spirito A, Chun T, Mello MJ, Casper TC, Ahmad F, Bajaj L, Brown KM, Chernick LS, Cohen DM, Fein J, Horeczko T, Levas MN, McAninch B, Monuteaux M, Mull CC, Grupp-Phelan J, Powell EC, Rogers A, Shenoi RP, Suffoletto B, Vance C, Linakis JG. Methodology and Demographics of a Brief Adolescent Alcohol Screen Validation Study. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2019 Nov; 35(11):737-744.
Riese A, Tarr E, Baird J, Alverson B. Documentation of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Screening in Hospitalized Adolescents. Hosp Pediatr. 2019 09; 9(9):719-723.
Linakis JG, Bromberg JR, Casper TC, Chun TH, Mello MJ, Richards R, Mull CC, Shenoi RP, Vance C, Ahmad F, Bajaj L, Brown KM, Chernick LS, Cohen DM, Fein J, Horeczko T, Levas MN, McAninch B, Monuteaux MC, Grupp-Phelan J, Powell EC, Rogers A, Suffoletto B, Dean JM, Spirito A. Predictive Validity of a 2-Question Alcohol Screen at 1-, 2-, and 3-Year Follow-up. Pediatrics. 2019 03; 143(3).
Spirito A, Bromberg JR, Casper TC, Chun T, Mello MJ, Mull CC, Shenoi RP, Vance C, Ahmad F, Bajaj L, Brown KM, Chernick LS, Cohen DM, Fein J, Horeczko T, Levas MN, McAninch B, Monuteaux MC, Grupp-Phelan J, Powell EC, Rogers A, Suffoletto B, Linakis JG. Screening for Adolescent Alcohol Use in the Emergency Department: What Does It Tell Us About Cannabis, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use? Subst Use Misuse. 2019; 54(6):1007-1016.
Guerrero LR, Dudovitz R, Chung PJ, Dosanjh KK, Wong MD. Grit: A Potential Protective Factor Against Substance Use and Other Risk Behaviors Among Latino Adolescents. Acad Pediatr. 2016 Apr; 16(3):275-81.
Dudovitz RN, McCoy K, Chung PJ. At-school substance use as a marker for serious health risks. Acad Pediatr. 2015 Jan-Feb; 15(1):41-6.