Below are the most recent publications written about "Papanicolaou Test" by people in Profiles.
Nikolaus Y, Mujumdar V, Padgaonkar P, Buchanan E, Goldberg A. Cytology-histology correlation of cervical Papanicolaou smears and biopsies performed at a single institution compared to those performed at different institutions. Cytopathology. 2023 Jan; 34(1):61-65.
Sansoni M, Tagai EK, Lapitan E, Wen KY, Xu J, Belfiglio A, Hudson SV, Kohler RE, Hernandez E, Miller SM. Development of a text message-based intervention for follow-up colposcopy among predominately underserved Black and Hispanic/Latinx women. Cancer Causes Control. 2022 Jun; 33(6):861-873.
Jodry D, Blemur D, Nguyen ML, Kuhn T, Easley K, Wang H, Ramaswamy M, Birdsong G, Kohut A, Manobianco B, Flowers L. Criminal Justice Involvement and Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening Results Among Women in an Urban Safety Net Hospital. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2021 Apr 01; 25(2):81-85.
Miller SM, Tagai EK, Wen KY, Lee M, Hui SA, Kurtz D, Scarpato J, Hernandez E. Predictors of adherence to follow-up recommendations after an abnormal Pap smear among underserved inner-city women. Patient Educ Couns. 2017 Jul; 100(7):1353-1359.
Layfield LJ, Roy-Chowdhuri S, Baloch Z, Ehya H, Geisinger K, Hsiao SJ, Lin O, Lindeman NI, Roh M, Schmitt F, Sidiropoulos N, VanderLaan PA. Utilization of ancillary studies in the cytologic diagnosis of respiratory lesions: The papanicolaou society of cytopathology consensus recommendations for respiratory cytology. Diagn Cytopathol. 2016 Dec; 44(12):1000-1009.
Sawaya GF, Kulasingam S, Denberg TD, Qaseem A. Cervical Cancer Screening in Average-Risk Women: Best Practice Advice From the Clinical Guidelines Committee of the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med. 2015 Jun 16; 162(12):851-9.
Vinekar KS, Vahratian A, Hall KS, West BT, Caldwell A, Bell JD, Dalton VK. Cervical Cancer Screening, Pelvic Examinations, and Contraceptive Use Among Adolescent and Young Adult Females. J Adolesc Health. 2015 Aug; 57(2):169-73.
Blatt AJ, Kennedy R, Luff RD, Austin RM, Rabin DS. Comparison of cervical cancer screening results among 256,648 women in multiple clinical practices. Cancer Cytopathol. 2015 May; 123(5):282-8.
HooKim K, Lieberman RW, Smola BM, Knoepp SM. "Equivocal" high-risk HPV DNA tests performed on ThinPrep specimens after ASC-US diagnoses are associated with an increased incidence of CIN3: a cytologic/histologic review of 315 cases. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2014 Oct; 18(4):291-7.
Hui SK, Miller SM, Wen KY, Fang Z, Li T, Buzaglo J, Hernandez E. Psychosocial barriers to follow-up adherence after an abnormal cervical cytology test result among low-income, inner-city women. J Prim Care Community Health. 2014 Oct; 5(4):234-41.