Clinical Professor (Adjunct) - Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, School of Medicine, Temple University, Philadelphia, 2003 to present
- Moss Rehab Hospital, Vice President - Medical Affairs - 1991 to 2002
- Albert Einstein Medical Center, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Chairman - 1991 to 2002
- Einstein Practice Plan, Inc., Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialty Director - 1992 to 2002
- Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Chair, 1998 to present
- Temple University, School of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Deputy Chairman - January 1992 to July, 1998
- Moss Practice Plan, Inc. Management Committee, Chairman - 1994 to 2000
- Albert Einstein Medical Center, Senior Attending Staff - 1991 to 2002
- Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Active Staff - 1998 to present
- Moss Rehab Hospital, Active Staff - 1991 to 1997 (Merged into Albert Einstein Medical Center)
- Temple University Hospital, Associate Staff - 1992 to 2000
- Curative Rehabilitation Center (Milwaukee), Consulting Staff - 1992 to 1998
- Albert Einstein Healthcare Network, Member: Board of Overseers 1998 to 2002, Board of Directors 1992 to 1998, Investment Committee 1996 to 2002
- MossRehab Hospital, Member: Board of Trustees 1991 to 1998, Executive Committee 1991 to 1997, Finance Committee 1991 to 1998
- Rehab Ventures, Inc., Member, Board of Directors 1991 to 1997
- Einstein Practice Plan, Inc., Treasurer, Board of Trustees 1992 to 1998
- Moss Practice Plan, Inc., Secretary, Board of Trustees 1994 to 1998
- Albert Einstein Healthcare Network, Institutional Review Board - 1996 to 2000
- Temple University, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Resident Training Committee - 1991 to 2002
- Temple University, School of Medicine, Residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1991-2002 - 50 hours annually
- Greater Philadelphia Pain Society: Advisory Board Member - 1994 to 1998, Nominating Committee Chairman - 1996 to 1998
- The Hospital and Health System Association of Pennsylvania, Member, Committee on Delivery System Policy - 1997 to 1998
- Pennsylvania Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, Member, Board of Directors - 1995 to 1998
- Accrediting Council on Graduate Medical Education: Member, Accreditation Appeals Panel for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - 1993-1999, Specialty Site Surveyor for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Member -1993 to 1998
- American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Vice President - 1996-1997, President-Elect - 1997-1998, President - 1998-1999, Past President - 1999-2000, Annual Meeting Abstract Reviewer 1997
- American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine: Member, Long Range Planning Committee - 1996 to 1998, Disciplinary Committee - 1996 to 1998, Presidential Council (Adhoc) - 1998
- American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine, Examination Supervisor- 1997-1998, Appeals Committee - 1993 to 1998
- American College of Rheumatology, Member, Rehabilitative Rheumatology Section- 1988 to 2009
- American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine: Member, Rehabilitation Research Policy & Legislation Committee - 1997 to present, Past President's Committee - 1990 to present, By Laws, Policy & Procedure Committee - 2000 to present
- American Heart Association: Stroke Council - 1984 to present
- American Medical Rehabilitation Providers Association (Formerly NARF and ARA): Member, Managed Care Task Force - 1997 to present, Prospective Payment System Task Force - 1997 to present, PPS Work Group - 1997 to present
- International Federation of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: President-Elect - 1995-1999