Search Results (424)

A Program Evaluation of Behavioral Health Integration in a Freestanding Birth Center.Academic Article Why?
Cancer risk estimates for BRCA1 mutation carriers identified in a risk evaluation program.Academic Article Why?
Early detection of kidney disease in community settings: the Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP).Academic Article Why?
Program EvaluationConcept Why?
Diagnosis, knowledge, perception, and productivity impact of headache education and clinical evaluation program in the workplace at an information technology company of more than 70,000 employees.Academic Article Why?
"This is public health: recycling counts!" Description of a pilot health communications campaign.Academic Article Why?
A pre-post study of a multi-country scale up of resuscitation training of facility birth attendants: does Helping Babies Breathe training save lives?Academic Article Why?
A two-tiered quality management program: Morbidity and Mortality conference data applied to resident education.Academic Article Why?
Ask and act: Delaware physicians demonstrate the effectiveness of the American Academy of Family Physicians' initiative to promote tobacco cessation counseling.Academic Article Why?
Assessing the Quality of Graduate Surgical Training Programs: Perception vs Reality.Academic Article Why?
Assessment of microvascular anastomosis training in otolaryngology residencies: survey of United States program directors.Academic Article Why?
Costs and Effectiveness of Treating Homeless Persons with Cocaine Addiction with Alternative Contingency Management Strategies.Academic Article Why?
Criteria used by medical students to rank orthopedic surgery residency programs.Academic Article Why?
Evaluating the performance of medical educators: a novel analysis tool to demonstrate the quality and impact of educational activities.Academic Article Why?
Evaluation of a train-the-trainer workshop on sickle cell disease for ED providers.Academic Article Why?
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