Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Roman, Jesse
Item TypeName
Concept Phosphorylation
Academic Article Nicotine stimulates human lung cancer cell growth by inducing fibronectin expression.
Academic Article Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligands inhibit alpha5 integrin gene transcription in non-small cell lung carcinoma cells.
Academic Article Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta induces lung cancer growth via peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor coactivator gamma-1alpha.
Academic Article Fibronectin stimulates non-small cell lung carcinoma cell growth through activation of Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin/S6 kinase and inactivation of LKB1/AMP-activated protein kinase signal pathways.
Academic Article Control of fibroblast fibronectin expression and alternative splicing via the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway.
Academic Article Extracellular cysteine/cystine redox potential controls lung fibroblast proliferation and matrix expression through upregulation of transforming growth factor-beta.
Academic Article Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligands suppress fibronectin gene expression in human lung carcinoma cells: involvement of both CRE and Sp1.
Academic Article COX-2 inhibitors suppress lung cancer cell growth by inducing p21 via COX-2 independent signals.
Academic Article Rosiglitazone suppresses human lung carcinoma cell growth through PPARgamma-dependent and PPARgamma-independent signal pathways.
Academic Article Moving away from PPARs - EGFR signaling and the anti-cancer effects of thiazolinedinediones.
Academic Article COX-2 inhibitors suppress integrin alpha5 expression in human lung carcinoma cells through activation of Erk: involvement of Sp1 and AP-1 sites.
Academic Article Alcohol primes the airway for increased interleukin-13 signaling.
Academic Article Anti-tissue remodeling effects of corticosteroids: fluticasone propionate inhibits fibronectin expression in fibroblasts.
Search Criteria
  • Phosphorylation