Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Donnenfeld, Alan
Item TypeName
Concept Chromosome Aberrations
Concept Chromosome Deletion
Concept Chromosomes, Human, Pair 10
Concept Chromosomes, Human, Pair 13
Concept Chromosomes, Human, Pair 14
Concept Chromosomes, Human, Pair 18
Concept Chromosomes, Human, Pair 20
Concept Chromosomes, Human, Pair 21
Concept Chromosomes, Human, Pair 22
Concept Chromosome Inversion
Concept Sex Chromosome Aberrations
Concept Chromosome Disorders
Academic Article Chromosomal abnormalities among 246 fetuses with pleural effusions detected on prenatal ultrasound examination: factors associated with an increased risk of aneuploidy.
Academic Article Mosaic paternal uniparental (iso)disomy for chromosome 20 associated with multiple anomalies.
Academic Article Prospective study of 22q11 deletion analysis in fetuses with excess nuchal translucency.
Academic Article Fetal pyelectasis: does fetal gender modify the risk of major trisomies?
Academic Article Complete trisomy 21 vs translocation Down syndrome: a comparison of modes of ascertainment.
Academic Article Prenatal diagnosis of a jumping translocation.
Academic Article Prenatal diagnosis of an unexpected interstitial 22q11.2 deletion causing truncus arteriosus and thymic hypoplasia in a ring 22 chromosome derived from a maternally inherited paracentric inversion.
Academic Article The risk of a major trisomy in fetuses with pyelectasis: the impact of an abnormal maternal serum screen or additional sonographic markers.
Academic Article Trizygotic dichorionic triplets with 46,XX/46,XY chimerism in both fetuses of the monochorionic pair.
Search Criteria
  • Chromosomes Human Pair 5