Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Rall, Glenn
Item TypeName
Concept Cells, Cultured
Academic Article Measles virus infection induces chemokine synthesis by neurons.
Academic Article Murine coronavirus spike glycoprotein mediates degree of viral spread, inflammation, and virus-induced immunopathology in the central nervous system.
Academic Article Interferon-induced RIP1/RIP3-mediated necrosis requires PKR and is licensed by FADD and caspases.
Academic Article T cell activation triggers reversible inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase assembly.
Academic Article Bst2/Tetherin Is Induced in Neurons by Type I Interferon and Viral Infection but Is Dispensable for Protection against Neurotropic Viral Challenge.
Academic Article Transduction of terminally differentiated neurons by avian sarcoma virus.
Academic Article Poliovirus replication and spread in primary neuron cultures.
Academic Article Homeostatic interferon expression in neurons is sufficient for early control of viral infection.
Academic Article Altered levels of STAT1 and STAT3 influence the neuronal response to interferon gamma.
Academic Article Noncanonical Transmission of a Measles Virus Vaccine Strain from Neurons to Astrocytes.
Academic Article Extended JAK activation and delayed STAT1 dephosphorylation contribute to the distinct signaling profile of CNS neurons exposed to interferon-gamma.
Academic Article Neurokinin-1 enables measles virus trans-synaptic spread in neurons.
Academic Article STAT1-independent control of a neurotropic measles virus challenge in primary neurons and infected mice.
Search Criteria
  • Cells Cultured