Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Bibbo, Marluce
Item TypeName
Concept Cytodiagnosis
Academic Article Grading of upper urinary tract transitional cell carcinoma by computed DNA content and p53 expression.
Academic Article Assessment of three sampling technics to detect endometrial cancer and its precursors. A preliminary report.
Academic Article Assessment of fine needle aspiration specimen adequacy for high-risk HPV detection and genotyping in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
Academic Article Molecular analysis of centrifugation supernatant fluid from pancreaticobiliary duct samples can improve cancer detection.
Academic Article Differential diagnosis of oncocytic lesions of the breast and thyroid utilizing a semiquantitative approach.
Academic Article p53 immunohistochemistry for distinguishing reactive mesothelium from low grade ovarian carcinoma.
Academic Article Dimensionality reducing displays in cell image analysis.
Academic Article Computer recognition of ectocervical cells. Classification accuracy and spatial resolution.
Academic Article George L. Weid, M.D., D.Sc. (hon), F.I.A.C. A tribute on his 80th birthday.
Academic Article Computer recognition of abnormal ectocervical cells. Comparison of the efficacy of contour and textural features.
Academic Article Computer recognition of binucleation with overlapping in epithelial cells.
Academic Article George L. Wied--seventy years young.
Academic Article A system for scanning biological cells in three colors.
Academic Article The numerical composition of cellular samples from the female reproductive tract. I. Carcinoma in situ.
Academic Article Cytologic findings in female and male offspring of DES treated mothers.
Academic Article Development and evaluation of automatic nucleus finding routines: thresholding of cervical cytology images.
Academic Article Evaluation of the Papanicolaou stain for computer assisted cellular pattern recognition.
Academic Article Bronchial brushing technique for the cytologic diagnosis of peripheral lung lesions. A review of 693 cases.
Academic Article Cervical cytology: descriptive statistics for nuclei of normal and atypical cell types.
Academic Article A self-learning computer program for cell recognition.
Academic Article Diagnostic marker displays for intermediate cells from the uterine cervix.
Academic Article Chlamydia/gonorrhea combo and HR HPV DNA testing in liquid-based pap.
Academic Article George L. Wied (1921-2004): a three-part tribute.
Academic Article Resolving ASCUS without recourse to HPV testing: manual reprocessing of residual automated liquid-based cytology (ALBC) material using manual liquid-based cytology (MLBC).
Academic Article How technology is reshaping the practice of nongynecologic cytology: frontiers of cytology symposium.
Academic Article Cytologic accuracy of samples obtained by endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.
Academic Article The numerical composition of cellular samples from the female reproductive tract IV. Carcinoma in situ cases exhibiting other than normal vaginal flora.
Academic Article Cellular fixation. A study of CytoRich Red and Cytospin Collection Fluid.
Academic Article Fine-needle aspiration of the breast in an obstetrics and gynecology hospital.
Search Criteria
  • Cytodiagnosis