Below are the most recent publications written about "Chromatography" by people in Profiles.
Baratta M, Jian W, Hengel S, Kaur S, Cunliffe J, Boer J, Hughes N, Kar S, Kellie J, Kim YJ, Lassman M, Mehl J, Morgan L, Palandra J, Sarvaiya H, Zeng J, Zheng N, Wang J, Yuan L, Ji A, Kochansky C, Tao L, Huang Y, Maes E, Barbero L, Contrepois K, Ferrari L, Fu Y, Johnson J, Jones B, Kansal M, Lu Y, Post N, Shen HH, Xue YY, Zhang YC, Biswas G, Cho SJ, Edmison A, Benson K, Abberley L, Azadeh M, Francis J, Garofolo F, Gupta S, Ivanova ID, Ishii-Watabe A, Karnik S, Kassim S, Kavetska O, Keller S, Kossary E, Li W, McCush F, Mendes DN, Abhari MR, Scheibner K, Sikorski T, Staack RF, Tabler E, Tang H, Wan K, Wang YM, Whale E, Yang L, Zimmer J, Bandukwala A, Du X, Kholmanskikh O, Gijsel SK, Wadhwa M, Xu J, Buoninfante A, Cludts I, Diebold S, Maxfield K, Mayer C, Pedras-Vasconcelos J, Abhari MR, Shubow S, Tanaka Y, Tounekti O, Verthelyi D, Wagner L. 2023 White Paper on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis: Deuterated Drugs; LNP; Tumor/FFPE Biopsy; Targeted Proteomics; Small Molecule Covalent Inhibitors; Chiral Bioanalysis; Remote Regulatory Assessments; Sample Reconciliation/Chain of Custody (PART?1A - Recommendations on Mass Spectrometry, Chromatography, Sample Preparation Latest Developments, Challenges, and Solutions and BMV/Regulated Bioanalysis PART?1B - Regulatory Agencies' Inputs on Regulated Bioanalysis/BMV, Biomarkers/IVD/CDx/BAV, Immunogenicity, Gene & Cell Therapy and Vaccine). Bioanalysis. 2024; 16(9):307-364.
Szapacs M, Jian W, Spellman D, Cunliffe J, Verburg E, Kaur S, Kellie J, Li W, Mehl J, Qian M, Qiu X, Sirtori FR, Rosenbaum AI, Sikorski T, Surapaneni S, Wang J, Wilson A, Zhang J, Xue Y, Post N, Huang Y, Goykhman D, Yuan L, Fang K, Casavant E, Chen L, Fu Y, Huang M, Ji A, Johnson J, Lassman M, Li J, Saad O, Sarvaiya H, Tao L, Wang Y, Zheng N, Dasgupta A, Abhari MR, Ishii-Watabe A, Saito Y, Mendes Fernandes DN, Bower J, Burns C, Carleton K, Cho SJ, Du X, Fjording M, Garofolo F, Kar S, Kavetska O, Kossary E, Lu Y, Mayer A, Palackal N, Salha D, Thomas E, Verhaeghe T, Vinter S, Wan K, Wang YM, Williams K, Woolf E, Yang L, Yang E, Bandukwala A, Hopper S, Maher K, Xu J, Brodsky E, Cludts I, Irwin C, Joseph J, Kirshner S, Manangeeswaran M, Maxfield K, Pedras-Vasconcelos J, Solstad T, Thacker S, Tounekti O, Verthelyi D, Wadhwa M, Wagner L, Yamamoto T, Zhang L, Zhou L. 2022 White Paper on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis: ICH M10 BMV Guideline & Global Harmonization; Hybrid Assays; Oligonucleotides & ADC; Non-Liquid & Rare Matrices; Regulatory Inputs (Part 1A - Recommendations on Mass Spectrometry, Chromatography and Sample Preparation, Novel Technologies, Novel Modalities, and Novel Challenges, ICH M10 BMV Guideline & Global Harmonization Part 1B - Regulatory Agencies' Inputs on Regulated Bioanalysis/BMV, Biomarkers/CDx/BAV, Immunogenicity, Gene & Cell Therapy and Vaccine). Bioanalysis. 2023 Aug; 15(16):955-1016.
Herman CE, Min L, Choe LH, Maurer RW, Xu X, Ghose S, Lee KH, Lenhoff AM. Behavior of host-cell-protein-rich aggregates in antibody capture and polishing chromatography. J Chromatogr A. 2023 Aug 02; 1702:464081.
Montanez JE, Peters JM, Correll JB, Gonzalez FJ, Patterson AD. Metabolomics: an essential tool to understand the function of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha. Toxicol Pathol. 2013 Feb; 41(2):410-8.
Bril V, Katzberg H, Donofrio P, Banach M, Dalakas MC, Deng C, Hanna K, Hartung HP, Hughes RA, Latov N, Merkies IS, van Doorn PA. Electrophysiology in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy with IGIV. Muscle Nerve. 2009 Apr; 39(4):448-55.
Galán JA, Sánchez EE, Rodríguez-Acosta A, Soto JG, Bashir S, McLane MA, Paquette-Straub C, Pérez JC. Inhibition of lung tumor colonization and cell migration with the disintegrin crotatroxin 2 isolated from the venom of Crotalus atrox. Toxicon. 2008 Jun 1; 51(7):1186-96.
Hughes RA, Donofrio P, Bril V, Dalakas MC, Deng C, Hanna K, Hartung HP, Latov N, Merkies IS, van Doorn PA. Intravenous immune globulin (10% caprylate-chromatography purified) for the treatment of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (ICE study): a randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Neurol. 2008 Feb; 7(2):136-44.
Dumetz AC, Chockla AM, Kaler EW, Lenhoff AM. Effects of pH on protein-protein interactions and implications for protein phase behavior. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2008 Apr; 1784(4):600-10.
Dumetz AC, Snellinger-O'brien AM, Kaler EW, Lenhoff AM. Patterns of protein protein interactions in salt solutions and implications for protein crystallization. Protein Sci. 2007 Sep; 16(9):1867-77.
Lee NV, Rodriguez-Manzaneque JC, Thai SN, Twal WO, Luque A, Lyons KM, Argraves WS, Iruela-Arispe ML. Fibulin-1 acts as a cofactor for the matrix metalloprotease ADAMTS-1. J Biol Chem. 2005 Oct 14; 280(41):34796-804.